Invisible browsing does nothing when you have to PAY TO SEE LIKES!
Edit: got such a stock response that the email I received for it didnt even have the text; it just showed a bunch of hyperlinks. And the actual link in the response was to the blog post that Ive already read and really didnt help. Youd think theyd realise NOBODY liked this change and seeing visitors was actually a fairly good feature (you can gauge a persons interest in you a lot easier when you know theyve looked at your profile; likes dont do that) It doesnt matter. Ive already deactivated my account, though I doubt Im coming back.
They apparently removed visitors due to people not liking showing up on others pages. If I remember correctly, they had it built in that in their premium service one could pay to browse invisibly already, so this seems like an extreme non issue, not to mention what were left with (the "likes" system) isnt even accessible UNLESS you pay making OkCupid essentially just on the same level as most of the other subscription dating sites (well, at least they still allow free messaging, I guess but they really have been removing features for awhile now and Im seriously debating just trying my luck in the real world because of it)
small hobbit about OkCupid Dating: Date Singles, v9.2.0